Sabtu, 19 Juli 2014

nyammanna: Kios Irian

Nyuknyang Kios Irian with Burasa

One of my favorite dish as I grow up is those green carts that sell pork meatballs which affectionately called Nyuknyang in Makassar. But aside sold from the cart, there are a few food stalls spread around Makassar that sells Nyuknyang.

Air Tahu (Soya Milk)
Kios Irian original location is at Jalan Irian (now called dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo street). So when I heard they have moved to their new location at Lamadukelleng. I thought I should go and try their Nyuknyang. Kios Irian is not particularly my family's choice for having Nyuknyang (that's usually not a good sign).

Nyuknyang Kios Irian with Burasa
So here I was, I honestly was dissapointed with their Nyuknyang. It lacks of flavor and also I'm not a fan of small and hard meatballs..... not to mention rude cashier lady.

Not much I can say about this food stalls. Nothing special.
Note: They now also sells seafood, noodles and fried rice. As even their own specialty in Nyuknyang was so bad. Can't be bothered with the new menu.


My saying for this particular food stall is......... 2/5 

Kios Irian
Jln. Lamadukelleng
Opening hours: Everyday (Lunch-Dinner)

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